Post Office Ltd have announced that two firm applications have now been received to run the closed Weston branch.
The news comes following the 16th December deadline for applications. Bath MP Don Foster had previously urged Post Office Ltd to work hard with potential applicants to help them meet this deadline after an initial date was missed.
Don said, “I’m pleased that Post Office Ltd have now put the effort in and have got two options for a new branch. Weston village needs its post office back as soon as possible, not just for residents but for other local businesses as well.
“It’s good news that Post Office Ltd have kept their promise to continue to work to open a replacement branch in Weston.”
Interviews for the post will take place on 12th January, and should the post office need to change location then there will be a consultation period.
Weston Lib Dem Campaigner Terry Randall added, "I know from talking to residents that they are desperate for a conclusion to this issue. However, with the possibility of consultation we might still be looking to March or April before this branch opens."
“Residents are questioning why a temporary service can’t be offered to fill the void.”
Whiteway Road - Zebra crossing works
Please see below notice for the zebra crossing works on Whiteway near the
entrance with Haycombe Cemetary.
2 days ago
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