Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Broadmoor Lane Community Apple Day

The Broadmoor Lane Apple Day at the Orchard in Broadmoor Lane on 3rd October was well supported by the local community. About 40 people joined in the fun of converting apples into apple juice, competing to find who could produce the longest apple peel and who could find the largest apple.

Terry Randall with some hard pressed juice

This was a great example of a community coming together and will be followed with a wassailing evening early in the New Year.

Local resident Andrew Wilkins at the press

Broadmoor Lane play area
Unfortunately the childrens’ play area was still closed for health and safety reasons despite promises by Redcliffe Homes, the company responsible for maintenance, that it would be fixed in time for the event. Lib Dem campaigner Terry Randall will continue to put pressure on Redcliffe Homes to meet their obligations and get the play area repaired and back into use.

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