Monday, 26 October 2009

Planning re-submission in Eastfield Avenue

We would be grateful to have your comments on this planning re-submission for 84 Eastfield Avenue.

Ward: Weston
App Ref: 09/03720/FUL
Parish: N/A
Registered: 14th October 2009
Expiry Date: 9th December 2009
Location: 84 Eastfield Avenue, Upper Weston, Bath BA1 4HJ
Grid Ref: (E)372803 - (N)166949
LB Grade: N/A
Proposal: Erection of a single storey rear extension (Resubmission)

Weston All Saints Primary School

Plans for Bath & North East Somerset Council’s significant improvements to Weston All Saints Primary School are now available for viewing at Weston library.
The school will benefit from a £3.5 million investment to demolish a block of classrooms for Key Stage 2 pupils and add a significant new-build block to the existing classrooms where Key Stage 1 pupils are taught. The land on which the existing building stands will be converted to a vehicle drop-off point, new playground and a green space.
Subject to the planning application process, the Council hopes the work will begin in spring 2010.
The new buildings will increase capacity and allow greater flexibility for staff and children. New facilities will include a full production kitchen, eight classrooms, pupil toilets, specialist practical space, small group space, IT suite, library resource and full administrative facilities.
These plans are very much in line with the Liberal Democrat education policy. Liberal Democrats want every child to get an excellent education and will campaign to cut class sizes, set teachers free to spend more time in the classroom and raise standards in every school.
This capital investment is good news and will provide the pupils and staff with the good quality buildings they deserve.

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Pot holes in Purlewent Drive

Liberal Democrat campaigner in Weston, Michelle O’Doherty, has put pressure on the Council to get pot holes in Purlewent Drive and Lucklands Road fixed as soon as possible.

Saturday, 17 October 2009

Eastfield Avenue Street Survey

We have recently knocked on every door in Eastfield Avenue talking to residents to find out the issues and concerns that matter to them.

A number of residents spoke about their concerns over traffic on the road and felt that having a section of the road between Weal Terrace and Haviland Park as one-way in the direction of bus travel would discourage through traffic. It would also minimise disruption caused by buses meeting oncoming traffic.

We want to hear your views on these ideas. A street survey has been delivered to all Eastfield Avenue residents to gauge public opinion. If enough people think that it is a good idea then we will be putting pressure on the Council to get this done.

The results of the survey will be posted on this blog.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Planning in Manor Road

We would be grateful to have your comments on this planning application for 25 Manor Road.

Ward: Weston
App Ref: 09/03233/FUL
Parish: N/A
Registered: 28th September 2009
Expiry Date: 23rd November 2009
Location: 25 Manor Road Upper Weston Bath BA1 4BW
Grid Ref: (E)373071 - (N)166177
LB Grade: N/A
Proposal: Erection of a rear conservatory

Broadmoor Lane Community Apple Day

The Broadmoor Lane Apple Day at the Orchard in Broadmoor Lane on 3rd October was well supported by the local community. About 40 people joined in the fun of converting apples into apple juice, competing to find who could produce the longest apple peel and who could find the largest apple.

Terry Randall with some hard pressed juice

This was a great example of a community coming together and will be followed with a wassailing evening early in the New Year.

Local resident Andrew Wilkins at the press

Broadmoor Lane play area
Unfortunately the childrens’ play area was still closed for health and safety reasons despite promises by Redcliffe Homes, the company responsible for maintenance, that it would be fixed in time for the event. Lib Dem campaigner Terry Randall will continue to put pressure on Redcliffe Homes to meet their obligations and get the play area repaired and back into use.

Monday, 12 October 2009

Post Office Ltd still committed to Weston

Bath MP Don Foster can confirm that Post Office Ltd is still committed to having an office in Weston village, following the closure of the existing branch earlier this year.

Unfortunately, commercial negotiations have not progressed as quickly and easily as hoped, but Don has remained in constant communication with Post Office Ltd and is confident that they will find a solution and restore the service.

Don said, ‘I have been in regular contact with those at Post Office Ltd over Weston village post office. I know it is very frustrating for residents to have lost their service for so long, but Post Office Ltd have given me no indication that they are even considering withdrawing the service permanently.

There are talks still on-going, and a new premise has just become available on the high street, which provides an extra option. The high costs which forced the previous branch to close have proved a significant barrier in re-opening on the same site.

Residents can rest assured that should Post Office Ltd give me any indication that they are thinking of withdrawing the service then I will campaign vigorously against this. I will continue to press on Post Office Ltd the importance of getting this service restored as quickly as possible’.

Many residents have also raised the issue of Car Tax being unavailable in the local area. The DVLA does not permit a temporary switch of Car Tax provisions, so removing it from Weston now might impact on interest for a new branch in the village.

Post Office Ltd has provided Don with an official statement as follows:

Post Office Ltd is committed to re-instating a Post Office service in Weston. In order for us to be able to achieve this, we need to identify someone who wishes to apply for the subpostmastership and has suitable premises to offer. Since the previous branch closed, we have had discussions with a number of interested parties but, unfortunately, these have not yet produced an application for the subpostmaster vacancy.

We understand the frustration being experienced by the local community and we can give our assurance that we are continuing to work to re-instate a service. If anyone is interested in providing a service and can offer premises we would be pleased to hear from them.

Sunday, 4 October 2009

What does you councillor declare ?

Do you want to know what the organisations the Weston Councillors belong to ? Have they received any gifts ? Thanks to Lib Dem, Roger Symonds, the way to found out has changed.

Until recently anyone wishing to check on B&NES councillors’ membership of organisations, employment, ownership of property or gifts received of over £25, has been faced with a lonely trek to the Keynsham offices. Now anyone with access to a computer can see this sort of detail on the Council’s web site.

Web address:

New Houses for Bath - doing it wrong

B&NES Council has adopted a land-use policy paper setting out options for distribution of land for housing and jobs from 2011-2026.

Liberal Democrat Councillors voted to abstain on the paper citing concerns over the lack of preparation of the document. The Lib Dems have previously opposed the increased housing targets imposed by central government.

“We believe that our community should set housing needs targets, not the RDA or central government in London”, stated Councillor Paul Crossley (Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group and Councillor for Southdown).

“Whilst points in the recommendation before us tonight were in line with our policies on housing and land-use, we did not feel that the ‘spatial options’ paper was ready for publication.

“The Conservative administration of the Council has not allocated enough resources to the planning department to properly prepare the proposals – for example, we have been told that insufficient funds were available to carry out infrastructure modelling.