Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Lucklands Road pavement

I have asked the council to inspect the surface of the pavement on Lucklands Road as a number of residents have complained that the surface makes it difficult to push buggies up there and it's also dangerous for those with impaired mobility.

Monday, 21 March 2011

Cleaning up the Rec

I have asked the council to remove the fly-tipped mattress and garden waste that has been left by one of the entrances into the Rec from Southlands.

I have also requested that the dog mess is cleared up from around the entrance to the children's playground.

Sunday, 23 January 2011


I have asked the council to send someone to clear the moss from the pavement on Beresford Gardens - as you can see from the photograph, it's quite unsightly, and when it rains, it will become slippery.

Friday, 14 January 2011

Grit bins

I have requested that the grit bins on The Weal and Purlewent Drive be re-stocked.

If you notice any grit bins that are empty, please e-mail councilconnect@bathnes.gov.uk or call 01225 394041

More information on Council Connect can be found here: http://www.bathnes.gov.uk/contactus/Pages/councilconnect.aspx

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Weston Lib Dem Surgery - Saturday 15th January

Michelle will be at Pinicchio's Day Nursery on Saturday morning from 10am-12pm.

No appointment is necessary - just come along and have a cuppa!

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Changes to bus timetables in Weston

There have been a few changes to a couple of the routes that run though Weston from January:

The no 14 bus, operated by Faresaver, now has a revised Monday-Friday timetable. Details can be found here:


The no 17 service, operated by First, has had some changes to the Sunday and Bank Holiday services to improve punctuality. Details of these changes can be found here:


Sunday, 2 January 2011

Next PACT Meeting

The next Weston and Newbridge PACT meeting is to be held on 8th February 2011 at St John's Hospital, Combe Park at 7pm.

If you have something to say about what goes on in our community then why not go along and have your say and help shape the priorities for action for the community as a whole.

The last Weston and Newbridge PACT meeting that was held at WASPS produced the following priorities.

Agreed 5th October 2010

1. Speeding vehicles on Lansdown Lane
2. Vehicles contravening the ‘One way’ system and inappropriate parking on High
3. Anti-social behaviour on High Street, Weston

Happy New Year

I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone in Weston a happy and healthy 2011.

I will be continuing to work hard in Weston in the coming months, and I will be calling on residents over the next few weeks to find out more about any problems or concerns that they may have.

Have a great year!
