Readers of this blog will recall Lib Dem efforts to introduce a one-way system on a part of Eastfield Avenue between Weal Terrace and Haviland Park in the direction of bus travel (See this blog 10th Feb 2010). We conducted a street survey involving 110 residents in Eastfield Avenue. 69% of those who replied were in favour of the one-way system.
I wrote to Charles Gerrish (Conservative Cabinet Member for Customer Services) asking the Council to look into the matter.
This met with a flat refusal to even bother to investigate our proposals, completely ignoring the wishes of local residents.
I am therefore more than surprised to read in the recent Conservative newsletter 'Weston Matters' that "A one-way system on Eastfield Avenue is being explored"
This suggests to me that either:
a) Conservative councillors in Weston have no idea what's going on in their area or
b) Conservatives are trying to steal our idea and take the credit (not for the first time) or
c) Conservatives are simply lying in their newsletter and have absolutely no intention of exploring the one-way system. They just want to sound as though they are doing
Come on councillors Malcolm Lees and Colin Barrett - I know you read my blog - perhaps you can inform our readers which of the above applies.