Post Office Ltd have failed to meet their 1st December deadline on applications for the closed Weston branch, despite having applications in. The deadline has now been pushed back to the 16th, with Post Office Ltd stating that they need more time to work with potential applicants on their bids.
Bath MP Don Foster said, "While I’m pleased that there is still interest in running the post office in Weston, this is another two week delay. We will probably be well into spring by the time the branch re-opens."
"I have contacted Post Office Ltd and asked them to go all out in working with the potential applicants and make sure that appropriate applications are in for 16th December. We cannot afford a further delay."
Terry Randall said "Post Office Ltd have known about these potential applications for 6 weeks. The branch has been closed since June and they should have been busting a gut to make sure these applications were ready for 1st December."
"Weston High Street needs its post office back, and local residents will rightly be frustrated that re-opening a branch is taking so long."
Whiteway Road - Zebra crossing works
Please see below notice for the zebra crossing works on Whiteway near the
entrance with Haycombe Cemetary.
1 day ago