Saturday, 12 December 2009

Further delay on Weston post office

Post Office Ltd have failed to meet their 1st December deadline on applications for the closed Weston branch, despite having applications in. The deadline has now been pushed back to the 16th, with Post Office Ltd stating that they need more time to work with potential applicants on their bids.

Bath MP Don Foster said, "While I’m pleased that there is still interest in running the post office in Weston, this is another two week delay. We will probably be well into spring by the time the branch re-opens."

"I have contacted Post Office Ltd and asked them to go all out in working with the potential applicants and make sure that appropriate applications are in for 16th December. We cannot afford a further delay."

Terry Randall said "Post Office Ltd have known about these potential applications for 6 weeks. The branch has been closed since June and they should have been busting a gut to make sure these applications were ready for 1st December."

"Weston High Street needs its post office back, and local residents will rightly be frustrated that re-opening a branch is taking so long."

Planning applications

Ward: Weston
App Ref: 09/04168/FUL
Registered: 11th November 2009
Expiry Date: 6th January 2010
Location: 2 Nelson Villas High Street Upper Weston Bath BA1 4DH
Proposal: Erection of a single storey rear extension following demolition of existing wooden 'lean-to'.
Officer: Alice Barnes
Applicant: Mr Julian Mitchell

Ward: Weston
App Ref: 09/04169/LBA
Registered: 11th November 2009
Expiry Date: 6th January 2010
Location: 2 Nelson Villas High Street Upper Weston Bath BA1 4DH
Proposal: External alterations for the erection of a single storey rear extension following demolition of existing wooden 'lean-to'.
Officer: Adrian Neilson
Applicant: Mr Julian Mitchell

Friday, 4 December 2009

A £1,400 tax cut for every working couple

Liberal Democrat MP for Bath, Don Foster, today welcomed the party’s new plans to bring in a fairer tax system.

Under the Liberal Democrats no-one will pay a penny’s tax on the first £10,000 they earn each year. The proposals give every working person a £700 tax cut – £1,400 less tax a year for every working couple.

Pensioners will each receive a £100 tax cut while 4 million of the poorest people will be taken out of paying income tax completely.

Don said, "While the Tories are only interested in helping out their super-rich friends, our fairer tax system will give tax cuts to all Bath’s workers".
"I know how useful working families will find the £1,400 tax cut they will receive from the Liberal Democrats each year". "And I know it is absolutely right that tax loopholes are closed to pay for those cuts. It is only fair."

Along with closing a series of tax loopholes, the Liberal Democrats will introduce a mansion tax – a 1% levy on the value of homes worth more than £2m.
Don added, "No one in a home worth less than £2m will pay a penny of extra tax on their property". "This is a tax that will only hit the very richest in the country – and only a handful in Bath."

The Liberal Democrats will replace council tax with a local income tax, based on people’s ability to pay. Money raised locally will be spent locally, improving the community we live in.

City MP Don added: "Not only is council tax unfair, penalising pensioners who no longer work, but the money is spent by faceless bureaucrats in Whitehall".
"Under Lib Dem plans what’s raised in Bath & North East Somerset will be spent in Bath & North East Somerset - directly improving our community. What could be fairer than that?"

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Nick Clegg to hold meeting in Bath

Liberal Democrat Leader Nick Clegg is inviting the people of Bath to tell him what they think about fixing the economy and rebuilding trust in politics.

Bringing his series of ‘Nick Clegg meets…’ town hall meetings to Bath on Thursday 7th January, Nick Clegg will discuss with local people the issues that matter most to them.

Chaired by local MP Don Foster the meeting is open to everyone to attend to ask any question to Nick Clegg they would like. The meeting will be held at St Michael’s Without, Broad Street, Bath, BA1 5LJ. Doors open at 6pm for the meeting to start at 6.30pm. The meeting will finish by 7.45pm.

Nick Clegg said: “I am looking forward to having a discussion with the people of Bath about problems they are facing and how together we can solve them".
“Since becoming leader of the Liberal Democrats I have travelled up and down the country listening to the concerns of thousands of people and families".
“It is now more important than ever for politicians to get out of Westminster and engage with people about how to rebuild our economy and restore trust in politics.”

The meeting is an open forum which anyone can attend. There are no scripted questions, no pre-prepared answers – just a frank talk between Nick and local people about issues, problems, and how the Liberal Democrats propose to solve them.

People can register to attend at Although you do not have to register to come along, it will help both the Liberal Democrats and the venue in preparing for the meeting.